
About Me

I bumped into an acquaintance a few days ago.   Words shared in just a few brief moments continue to reverberate in my head.
Why do people blog?” this acquaintance asked me.  “Why would anyone want to read what I have to say?  Why would anyone carewhat I think?   What’s the point of it?
I’m not into it …..  I’m just not into it …..” was mumbled as this acquaintance walked away.
I found myself speechless.   I just didn’t know what to say.  The disparaging tone that accompanied the words said conjured up defensive feelings within me.   I felt like I needed to defend why blog.  But I couldn’t get it out.   I just couldn’t respond.   I wandered off ….. deep in thought.
So why blog?  My thought out response runs something like this:
  1. Blogs are a source of infinite information about a wide range of topics.  Blogs with an awe inspiring, extensive list of subjects, are constantly being added to the blogosphere:  science, maths, education, sport, hobbies, recreation, music, environment ….. The list goes on and on……
  2. Blogs can take on an almost limitless format.   They can be reflective, informative, personal, educational, opinionated, technical, experimental ….. The depth and range of blog formats is both exciting and inspiring.
  3. For me, blogging is a way to think and reflect on new experiences, new discoveries, new thoughts.
  4. By sharing my thoughts, my knowledge and my discoveries, I’m able to  link up with others who have similar interests.
  5. As I read the blog posts of others, my knowledge is expanded.   As others read my blog posts, I’d like to hope that their knowledge expands too.  In this way, blog posts add to an ever growing pool of knowledge and thought on any given topic.
  6. Blogging invites and encourages others to comment.   The comments of others add to this collective pool of thought and knowledge.   These virtual discussions in turn inspire further blogging.
  7. When we comment on each other’s blog posts, links are forged and virtual ‘friendships’ flourish.  Without realizing it, Personal Learning Networks are being developed.  When just recently I met up with some of these virtual ‘friends’ we felt like we’d known each other for years.   That warm, fuzzy feeling of friendship is great to experience.
  8. Blogging provides an outlet for me to express my passions, my beliefs, my opinions and my experiences on issues that matter to me.  I share them because I feel so passionate, because I think others are interested in my words and because I know that my thoughts contribute to our collective pool of knowledge and experience.
  9. Blogging is inspiring, motivating and empowering.  Being able to link up with others who share similar interests and knowledge is encouraging.  Feedback from readers develops confidence and a desire to continue blogging.
  10. Blogging, I’ve discovered is addictive.   The more I write, the more I want to write.  The more I read, the more I want to read.  I’ve deduced that this inner urge is what lifelong learning is all about.
My acquaintance must be missing out on something, because my life is definitely richer for being a member of the Blogosphere!

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