
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

benefits for writing articles and publishing online

Submitting articles to ezines is a practice with a dual impact on your profits: it helps you decrease advertising expenses while increasing sales.

Here are seven benefits for writing articles and publishing online:

Resource box
The resource box is a short paragraph about the author that publishers usually request with article submissions. It's included at the bottom of the published article and is an opportunity to brand yourself, your business, and your website. The minimum it should contain is your name, business name, and web site address. Space permitting, the resource box should also include a tagline, e-mail address and credentials.

Inbound links
Every time your article is published there should be a live link to your website in the resource box. This give you one more inbound link to help the search engine ranking of your site. Be sure to include important keywords in the link text for extra points with the search engines.

Building credibility
Published articles help establish your expertise. You develop a position of authority in your field and recognition with respect to the topics you cover in your writing. It's easier to gain a prospective client's trust when you have the credibility of being a published author. Prospects who trust you are more likely to make a purchase.

Receptive audience
The people who receive the ezines containing your articles have subscribed because they're interested in that particular ezine's topics. Thus, your article and business information are being delivered to people who have voluntarily pre-selected themselves to receive the sort of information about which you write. Compound this benefit by submitting each of your articles to several ezines.

When your article is sent out to a publisher's list, it's an excellent result of your efforts. In addition, many publishers place articles from the current issue on their homepage, and then archive the articles. Visitors often refer to the archives before deciding whether to subscribe, and so the exposure you receive from each article extends beyond the initial publication date.

You have content that you can leverage when you write articles. Whatever you write can be used for multiple purposes. For example, develop an article into a seminar presentation, and expand the material to make an ebook. At the very least, publish the article on your own website. Search engines look favourably on new content.

Viral marketing
Allow ezine publishers to include your articles in their free ebooks, as long as your resource box is included. Since these are being given away, your ad multiplies. Also, submitting articles to publishers that have a free content directory on their site will allow visitors to republish your article intact, again multiplying your exposure.

If you could benefit from any of these seven reasons for writing articles, then the time for action has arrived. Go to any search engine, and type in a phrase like ‘ezine publishers’. You could narrow the search by including the topics you'd write and include the word free.

Once you've found some publishers, and you know there's an audience out there for your subject, write your first article. Be sure to proof-read your finished article; your intention is to establish credibility, and to brand your business. A well-written and polished piece will help you accomplish a favourable result.

Once you've gotten your first article published, go ahead and do it again, continuing to spread the word about you and your business all over the Internet.

This article was written by Loren Beckart. Author and marketing consultant, Loren is Marketing VP at ClickTracs Advertising, a resource for highly targeted, profitable traffic for online businesses.

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