
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Work Hard Play Hard

Ripping off jokes like he was doing the opening monologue on Saturday Night Live, Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning was feeling it Tuesday evening. He was back where he belongs, in front of his peers, here at the Pro Bowl, right in his element.

Yet as Manning stood in front of a ballroom full of the NFL's best players (30 of whom, as he pointed out, are at the game for the first time), Manning wasn't just being funny during this welcome meeting. He also had a very sharp message.

"The past two years, the play in this game has been unacceptable," Manning said. "If it was a walkthrough, your coach would say it was a bad walkthrough. And that's why (the league) could try to cancel this game."

When practices begin Wednesday, there is expected to be a very different tone, especially emanating from the AFC's team, in the wake of much public discourse about the future of the NFL's All-Star game.

Commissioner Roger Goodell has made it clear that the current quality of the game doesn't meet the league's standard, and a rewarding week enjoyed by the NFL's best players is in jeopardy. The players now recognize there's one way to fix this.

"It's simple," Broncos cornerback Champ Bailey told NFL.com. "Just play hard. Like you do on a Sunday. If you do that, the rest will take care of itself."

Whether that's enough to truly save this game (and, perhaps as importantly, this event) remains to be seen. But if ever there was a year in which the right formula to save the Pro Bowl was in place, this might very well be it.

Manning and Bailey are two of just 10 players in NFL history to make 12 or more Pro Bowls. Manning has the most Pro Bowl berths among quarterbacks, and Bailey has the most among defensive backs. And it just so happens that their current coach, John Fox, has been assigned to coach the AFC this week.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell reinstates Saints coach Sean Payton

goodell payton

With a still-angry city waiting to, uh, welcome him during Super Bowl XLVII week, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell pretty much played the only card he had to appease the masses.

He reinstated New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton.

"I am thankful today Commissioner Goodell has granted me reinstatement," Payton said in a statement Tuesday. "As I stated back in March. I, along with Mickey Loomis take full responsibility for all aspects of our football program. I clearly recognize that mistakes were made, which led to league violations. Furthermore, I have assured the Commissioner a more diligent protocol will be followed.

"Lastly, I feel we have learned from our mistakes and are ready to move forward. I want to thank our owner, Mr. Benson and all of our great fans for the overwhelming support throughout this past year. I am excited to be back as Head Coach of the New Orleans Saints!"

The league announced Tuesday morning Goodell had informed Payton his season-long suspension for his role in the bounty case had ended. Payton, whose suspension lasted 281 days, can attend practices in nearby Mobile, Ala., for this week's Senior Bowl and can take part in Super Bowl festivities next week.

The NFL's press release announcing Payton's reinstatement said the coach met with Goodell on Monday and "acknowledged in the meeting his responsibility for the actions of his coaching staff and players and pledged to uphold the highest standards of the NFL and ensure that his staff and players do so as well."

JaMarcus Russell says he'll make NFL return


Hundreds of jokes have been told about JaMarcus Russell. This is not one of them: He's planning a comeback to the NFL.

Yahoo! Sports reported Tuesday night that the 2007 No. 1 overall pick, one of the biggest draft bust in NFL history, is down from the 320 pounds he weighed last fall and is working out hard -- all in hopes that he could land an NFL gig.

SAINTS FANS: Goodell still Public Enemy No. 1

Jenifer Laurence

Continuing her week in the spotlight, Jennifer Lawrence tried her hand at hosting "Saturday Night Live," and the comedic odds were certainly in her favor.
The quirky "Silver Linings Playbook" starlet began her opening monologue addressing the Meryl Streep comment once again, but also playfully bashed all of the other Oscar contenders in her category.
"I would never trash-talk any of my fellow nominees at the Golden Globes," she said, "but the Oscars are another story."
"Well, well, well. Look who it is," she said. "Jessica Chastain. More like, Jessica Chas-ain’t winning no Oscar on my watch!"
And on Naomi Watts, she added, "You were in 'The Impossible'. You know what else is impossible? You beating me on Oscar night.”
Even little Quvenzhane Wallis wasn't spared.
"You think you can beat me?" she joked. "What you talkin' bout, Wallis? ... The alphabet called. They want their letters back."
Lawrence went on to participate in several hilarious skits, including a spoof of her own movie "The Hunger Games," reprising her role as Katniss Everdeen.


Super Bowl 2013

Now that the two teams for Super Bowl 2013 are known,  fans of the San Francisco 49ers and Baltimore Ravens who don’t have tickets are off to the secondary market, where the average price of a ticket is about $3,195.14.
As of Monday morning, the lowest price for resale tickets was $2,168, according to ticket tracker TiqIQ.
Last year, the average price on Jan. 21 was $3,678.12, with the lowest price, $2,037.
Even before Sunday’s playoff games that determined who would compete in Super Bowl 2013, marketers and others in the industry were watching with anticipation who would be competing in one of the most-watched sporting events of the year.
Chris Matcovich, director of data and communications at TiqIQ, said the National Football Conference’s San Francisco 49ers and American Football Conference’s Baltimore Ravens going head to head would be the “golden game” for ticket sales for two reasons.
First, advertisers and the media have already become excited about the match-up between coaching brothers Jim Harbaugh, 49, of the 49ers, and John Harbaugh, 50, of the Ravens.
Second, the 49ers have a large market in San Francisco, meaning a large fan base that might  be willing to travel to New Orleans. Plus, the 49ers  haven’t won a Super Bowl since 1994.

“At the end of the day, marketers and ticket sellers are hoping for a good game and praying for the right teams,” Matcovich said.
Tim Nelson, president of Chicago-based advertising agency Trisect, said a match between the 49ers and Patriots may have been a favorite among other advertisers.
“I think some of the appeal in the games is the quality of the franchises, plus their heritage and history in the game,” said Nelson, who  grew up in New England and admitted he was  a Pats fan.
For any fan, getting a ticket to Super Bowl XLVII will cost a pretty penny.
The National Football League held a fan drawing of about 1,000 tickets last year.
In the past two weeks, the NFL began distributing tickets to its teams to sell to fans through drawings, or to distribute to sponsors. The NFL give out  17.5 percent of tickets to the AFC team and 17.5 percent go to the NFC team. The host of the 2013 Super Bowl game on Feb. 3, the New Orleans Saints, received 5 percent of tickets. Each of the remaining 29 NFL teams receives 1.2 percent of the tickets.
The official list prices for the Super Bowl’s upper bowl, lower bowl and club seats are $850, $950 and $1,250 for 2013, according to Brian McCarthy, an NFL spokesman.
McCarthy cautioned that the only guaranteed secondary ticket seller of the NFL is the NFL Ticketmaster Ticket Exchange.
“Buyer beware beyond that,” McCarthy said.

Lone Star College


But in an untimely triumph of ideology over common sense, Texas state legislators and conservative colleagues in Arkansas are pushing again for new laws that would allow handguns to be carried on college campuses.

Did any of these legislators ever go to college? It is hard to think of a worse idea than arming students who are—as the midday Lone Star College shooting reminds us—prone to feuds and fights that can easily escalate. Adding guns to that often alcohol-fueled mix exponentially increases the potential for avoidable tragedy.

NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre clarified the contrasts Tuesday night, in a surreal self-incriminating rebuttal to the president’s second inaugural address, arguing that “Obama wants to turn the idea of absolutism into a dirty word … Just another word for extremism.” It is.

But the disconnect between fantasy and reality is a hallmark of the hyper-partisan debates we have today. When confronted with the Sandy Hook Elementary School slaughter, only those embedded deep in the echo chamber could emerge with more guns in schools as the “solution” to the epidemic of gun violence in our schools.

Consider this: there have been four school shootings in the United States since Newtown: Taft Union High School in California; Hazard Community and Technical College in Kentucky; and the Stevens Institute of Business & Arts in St. Louis. That measurement is separate from the cops and firefighters killed or the more than 1,150 individuals murdered by guns across the country since Newtown, according to a tally by Slate and @GunDeaths. What more will it take to admit that we have a problem?

The reactionary impulse to look at school shootings and say the solution is more guns on campuses across America is a monument to idiotic group-think.
How about this reality check: American kids from kindergarten to eighth grade are 13 times more likely to be murdered with guns than children in other wealthy democracies, according to a study by the director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center at the School of Public Health.

This isn’t subtle. It is urgent. And dealing with the problem is not inconsistent with respecting the Second Amendment. But it does require confronting facts. After all, as my former boss Rudy Giuliani used to say, “You’re always safest when you have the courage to confront reality.”

But the “Party of Stupid”—as Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana has described as his Republican Party—seems unwilling or unable to confront the problem. According to one congressman who attended the GOP’s Williamsburg retreat, the issue of gun control did not even come up at the party conclave. “It might as well have been a trip to Mars,” he said. Except that we are actually exploring Mars right now.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry—who made the word “oops” immortal—is a vocal advocate of arming students and teachers on campuses, despite the strong objections of Francisco Cigarroa, chancellor of the University of Texas system, who said guns “will make a campus a less safe environment.” It’s a statement that would shock only the Flat-Earth Society.

In the late 1990s, interestingly, the NRA was a vocal proponent of the gun-free school zones it now decries as big-government liberalism run amok. Here’s what the organization said at the time: “First, we believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America’s schools, period … with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel.” But sometimes politics changes principles.

I have no problem with increasing the number of concealed-carry permits, especially if the gun owners are trained to use their weapons responsibly. But the reactionary impulse to look at school shootings and say the solution is more guns on campuses across America is a monument to idiotic group-think, especially when confronted with the escalating body count.

Even in the romanticized days of the Old West, folks were often required to check their guns with the sheriff. And even Justice Scalia wrote in the Heller decision that “the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” And the sainted Ronald Reagan backed the assault weapons ban in 1994.

But advocates of the Party of Stupid keep intruding on responsible civic conversation. The NRA’s solution—to post armed guards at every school—collided with reality at Lone Star College, which, like Columbine, had armed guards on duty. Likewise, when Perry looks at Newtown and finds blame in the “liberal media” for publicizing the Sandy Hook slaughter, and sees active attempts at solving the problem illegitimate. Instead he counsels only prayer.
By contrast, the Obama administration at least has started to enact some overdue executive orders. And there might even be hope for the Senate to pass a universal background check for gun purchases—something that 89 percent of Republicans even support, according to a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll.  But the professional activist class will pressure members of Congress to ignore their constituents.

The contrast on policy keeps being underscored by tragedies like Lone Star College. The alternative to sober, constructive constitutional action is denial, deflection, and death.

Anna Burns Welker

Last year, Tom Brady's wife had harsh words following the conclusion of the New England Patriots' season.

This year, it's the wife of receiver Wes Welker making news.

Welker's wife, Anna Burns Welker, used social-media site Facebook to take a few shots at Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis on Sunday night after the Patriots' 28-13 loss to the Ravens in the AFC Championship Game.

"Proud of my husband and the Pats. By the way, if anyone is bored, please go to Ray Lewis' Wikipedia page. 6 kids 4 wives. Acquitted for murder. Paid a family off. Yay. What a hall of fame player! A true role model!" Burns Welker said in a since-deleted post on her personal Facebook page.

Burns Welker released a statement to sports blog Larry Brown Sports apologizing for her remarks.

"I'm deeply sorry for my recent post on Facebook," she said. "I let the competitiveness of the game and the comments people were making about a team I dearly love get the best of me. My actions were emotional and irrational and I sincerely apologize to Ray Lewis and anyone affected by my comment after yesterday's game.

"It is such an accomplishment for any team to make it to the NFL playoffs, and the momentary frustration I felt should not overshadow the accomplishments of both of these amazing teams."

Welker led the Patriots in receiving Sunday with 117 yards and a touchdown on eight catches in the loss, but could have played his last game for New England as he is set to become a free agent this offseason.

Lewis, who announced weeks ago that he would retire at the conclusion of Baltimore's season, led all players with 14 tackles.

After last year's Super Bowl, Brady's wife, supermodel Gisele Bundchen, while waiting for an elevator at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, lashed out at the Patriots' receiving corps for failing to haul in her husband's passes as she spoke to people in her group.

Welker had dropped a crucial pass late in the fourth quarter of the 21-17 loss to the New York Giants, while Patriots receiver Deion Branch and tight end Aaron Hernandez dropped passes on New England's final drive.

"My husband can not f------ throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time. I can't believe they dropped the ball so many times," Bundchen said, in a sequence captured on video.

Did Beyonce Lip-Sync the 'Star-Spangled Banner' at the Inauguration?

Did Beyonce lip-sync the "Star-Spangled Banner" at Monday's inaugural ceremonies? A U.S. Marine Band spokeswoman says they are not "in a position to assess."

Captain Kendra N. Motz, Media Officer of the U.S. Marine Band, said the Presidential Inaugural Committee requested they accompany Beyonce in her performance, but "there was no opportunity for Ms. Knowles-Carter to rehearse with the Marine Band before the Inauguration so it was determined that a live performance by the band was ill-advised for such a high-profile event."

"Each piece of music scheduled for performance in the Inauguration is pre-recorded for use in case of freezing temperatures, equipment failure, or extenuating circumstances," Motz said in a statement. "Regarding Ms. Knowles-Carter's vocal performance, no one in the Marine Band is in a position to assess whether it was live or pre-recorded."

Read About Criticism From Beyonce's 2009 Inaugural Performance Here

However, earlier today another spokesperson for the U.S. Marine Corps band told ABC News she did in fact lip synch.

"We all know Beyonce can sing," Master Sgt. of the U.S. Marine Band Kristin duBois told ABC News today. "We all know the Marine Corps Band can play. We do not know why she decided to go with the pre-recorded music at the last minute."

DuBois later added that, to her knowledge, Beyonce was not singing. It was Beyonce's voice, but a pre-recorded version heard by about a million people in Washington and millions more on television.

A representative for Beyonce did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The band was not playing while Beyonce was singing, duBois added, but it was live during the rest of the performances, including Kelly Clarkson's rendition of "My Country, 'Tis of Thee." The band was asked not to play for only the national anthem, duBois added.

Clarkson could be seen signaling to Beyonce after the national anthem performance and appeared to mouth the words, "It's so hard."

Clarkson spokeswoman Meghan Kehoe of RCA Records also confirmed to ABC News that "Kelly did sing live," but said she could not confirm whether Clarkson and Beyonce discussed the situation.

James Taylor, another performer at the cold, outdoor inauguration ceremony, Monday said he was happy to get through his performance "without any train wrecks."

"It's always hard for a guitar player to play when it's cold because your hands sort of stiffen up and you know nerves tend to do that to you anyway. So I was, you know, very relieved to have gotten to it without any major train wrecks," he told George Stephanopoulos and Diane Sawyer.

The issue surfaced today when Washingtonian magazine first reported that it didn't seem as though "The President's Own" United States Marine Band was playing during Beyonce's rendition.

The pop star, 31, seemed to have audio issues at one point during the song, pulling out her ear piece.

DuBois said she did not know why Beyonce took the ear piece out.

The Washingtonian also noted that Beyonce posted an Instagram photo of herself in a recording studio holding a copy of the sheet music to the "Star-Spangled Banner." It's not the first time for synced music at an Obama inauguration. In 2009, the cellist Yo-Yo Ma and the violinist Itzhak Perlman, because of cold and wind, did not play the version of John Williams' "Air and Simple Gifts" that was projected onto the Mall.

Monday's noon temperature of 40 degrees was 3 degrees above the average inauguration swearing-in temperature of 37, according to the Washington Post.

Michelle Obama gown designer

Judges in his native Taiwan seem unimpressed that Jason Wu has designed two inaugural gowns for U.S. first lady Michelle Obama.

Taiwan’s Intellectual Property Court ruled Monday that Wu’s new label “Miss Wu” could not be registered as a brand because it was not distinctive enough.
Wu is one of only several dozen Chinese surnames, and the court upheld a government trademark agency decision that “Miss Wu” was too generic. Wu claimed the label conjured the hoot of an owl, depicted on its logo.

He designed the white gown Obama wore for her husband’s first inauguration in 2009. On Monday, she appeared in another of his creations, a shiny red gown with a halter top.

Wu was born in Taiwan before moving to Canada at age 9.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Elder Scrolls Online trailer, beta electrify the imagination

Sweeping visuals, stunning swordsmanship, legendary warriors: expect to see all of these if you watch the new trailer for The Elder Scrolls Online. Beta registrations are now open too.

Developer Zenimax Online Studios wowed the gaming community today with a six-minute explosive cinematic trailer showing some heart-racing action in the grandiose world of Tamriel, the primary location of the upcoming The Elder Scrolls Online. Be sure to play the CGI trailer in high-definition and at full screen for maximum pleasure.

To add further excitement to the reveal, Zenimax also opened the doors to Elder Scrolls Online beta registrations today, giving anyone the chance to get in on the action. Of course, to get in, you'll need to submit answers to an array of personal questions (name, birthday, and so on) and submit full system diagnostic information. Zenimax also requires that you answer questions about any other relevant MMORPGs you've played; your play style (solo, group, etc.); preferred activities in MMORPGs; and previous stints as a beta tester.

If that wasn't demanding enough, you then have to tell the developer why you should be chosen as a beta tester. Amusingly, a progress bar hangs over the Web page and indicates your chance rating at even being selected at all -- fortunately, I scored an above-average, so I assume experience matters.
Zenimax and publisher Bethesda Softworks didn't disclose when The Elder Scrolls Online would begin beta testing, or reveal much information other than the fact that PC and Mac gamers can participate. Read the beta FAQ for more details, or listen to the latest Bethesda podcast featuring developers answering some more questions about the upcoming experience.

Face of fake girlfriend: 'I empathize' with Manti Te'o

The woman who unwillingly became the face of Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o's fake girlfriend speaks about finding out her photos were used without her consent, saying she supplied one because she thought it was for a slideshow to comfort the victim of a car accident.

Raised to be polite and empathetic toward others, Diane O’Meara said Wednesday that she thought she was simply doing a favor for a former high school classmate when she unknowingly became part of a fake girlfriend hoax involving Notre Dame star linebacker Manti Te’o.
O’Meara, 23, claims to have had photos from her Facebook account taken by alleged hoax perpetrator Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, 22, which were used to represent Te'o's girlfriend Lennay Kekua, who supposedly died of leukemia in September but turned out to be a fake who never existed. O’Meara’s pictures appeared on Kekua’s fake Twitter account and were used in news reports at the time of her alleged death, but O’Meara said she had never heard of Te’o until the reporters from Deadspin.com who broke the story contacted her last week.

O’Meara told Savannah Guthrie on TODAY Wednesday that Tuiasosopo, her former classmate at Paraclete High School in Lancaster, Calif., reached out to her on Facebook and described in great detail how he and his cousin had been in a traumatic car accident earlier in 2012. She claims that Tuiasasopo told her that he wanted to do a photo slideshow for his cousin for his birthday, and hoped O’Meara could supply a staged picture of herself holding up a sign that read “MSMK.’’
The photo later appeared on Kekua’s fake Twitter account, raising the question of why O’Meara would send a photo to someone she claims to have barely spoken with in high school and had not heard from in five years.

Face of Manti Te'o's fake girlfriend: Story is 'twisted and confusing'
“I could see how people would think that, but we’re raised to be polite, we’re raised to have a kind heart,’’ O’Meara said. “He repeatedly reached out to me on Facebook, and I almost felt guilty about not submitting a photo with this sign for this photo slideshow. He went as far as sending me a photo with his cousin with head trauma, bandages, in the hospital with him, and out of the kindness of my heart, I thought I was just comforting somebody.’’
Te’o told ESPN that he was a victim of an elaborate hoax and was not involved in any way. He claims to have never met Kekua face to face, saying he only spoke to her online and over the phone. However, he admitted in a taped interview with ABC’s Katie Couric on Tuesday that he lied to the media and public that Kekua was real even after he knew it was all a hoax. He said he received a phone call on Dec. 6 from someone alleging to be Kekua, who supposedly had died on Sept. 12, yet still stuck to the story about Kekua in interviews leading up to the BCS championship game against Alabama on Jan. 6.

“I’m still trying to wrap my head around this entire confusing situation myself,’’ O’Meara said. “If Manti is really innocent in this entire situation, I empathize with him because I assume we would have the same emotions – frustration, anger, confusion.’’

O’Meara, a marketing executive in Los Angeles, also didn’t appreciate having her picture splashed out there as Te’o’s alleged girlfriend because she is currently in a long-term relationship.
Manti Te'o admits 'catering' his stories about Kekua

“It’s difficult and it’s definitely very shocking,’’ she said. “I have my own boyfriend of five years, a serious committed relationship, and to hear that you’re the face of a separate relationship, it’s hard to see.’’

She has hired an attorney, but said she is not pursuing any legal action at this time. Tuiasosopo has not returned numerous calls from NBC News seeking comment. O'Meara told NBC's Miguel Almaguer on Tuesday that Tuiasasopo had called her, admitting to the hoax and apologizing.
“The lesson learned is that social media and the way that it’s growing, there’s definitely a lack of protection and privacy laws,’’ O’Meara said.

The sports world has been having a field day with the story since it broke. The meme known as "Te'oing" was born, with people posting photos of themselves with their arm around no one to signify having a fake girlfriend. The San Jose Giants, a minor league baseball team in the San Francisco Giants organization, announced they are holding "Lennay Kekua Night'' on April 12. The game will feature catfish on the menu in an allusion to the MTV show "Catfish" about people duping others with fake identities online.

The NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers created a "Manti Te'o Kiss Cam" showing a person sitting next to an empty seat. The NHL's Dallas Stars showed an empty seat on the Jumbotron while welcoming "Manti Te'o's girlfriend" to the game.

Australian Open All Atwitter About Sloane Stephens

PHOTO: Serena Williams hits forehand return to compatriot Sloane Stephens during their quarterfinal match at the Australian Open tennis championship in Melbourne, Australia, Jan. 23, 2013.

Sloane Stephens wiped away tears as she thought about hanging a poster of herself on a wall in the place of her childhood hero.

The 19-year-old American seemed to be in shock, barely able to compute how she'd produced the upset of the Australian Open by beating 15-time major winner Serena Williams in the quarterfinals Wednesday. It was her first trip that far in seven Grand Slam tournaments.

A poster of Williams had adorned the wall on Stephens' bedroom as a child. Now, in her view, they're peers.

"This is so crazy," Stephens said in a post-match TV interview after rallying from a set and a break down against an injured and angry Williams. "Oh my goodness. I think I'll put a poster of myself (up) now."

The 29th-seeded Stephens won 3-6, 7-5, 6-4. She calmed the nerves and started swinging harder and lifting her tempo at 4-3 in the second.

That's when Williams jarred her back trying to pull up before the net as she chased down a drop shot. Williams let out a loud scream and hopped away. Stephens had a look back over the net, seemingly in concern.

Williams started taking time between points, limping, and trying to stay in the shade at the back of the court.

Williams later called for the trainer between games. She had a three-minute medical timeout and came back serving at a pace well below her usual speed.

"Well, at that point you just have to pretend like nothing's wrong," Williams said. "You think of worst case scenarios. You know, I just thought, Ok, just pretend nothing's wrong and just try your best."

Stephen's surprise win did instant wonders for her celebrity.

Before the match, Stephens said she had about 17,000 followers on Twitter. A few hours after reaching her first Grand Slam semifinal, she had more than 40,000.

And she sounded like an excited schoolgirl as she gushed about receiving a congratulatory tweet from American singer John Legend.

"I want John Legend to sing at my wedding!" she said. "I was like, 'Oh my God. He tweeted me. What can I do?'"

She re-tweeted the sentiments from Legend: "Just found out her dad is John Stephens from the Pats. (that's my real name) I had his football card when I was a kid. I was so proud, ha ha."

Stephens' father, former New England Patriots player, died in 2009.

Retired basketball star Shaquille O'Neal sent a message that read: "When u defeat a legend you become a legend." The Dallas Mavericks' Dirk Nowitzki wrote, "Wow. What a win for Sloane. Some amazing defense. She gets every ball back."

Stephens checked her phone during her post-match news conference and said there were 213 text messages waiting for her.

Like many a teenager, her first concern was about how high her phone bill might be.

"I thought it was free to receive text messages, but someone told me otherwise," she said.

Her mother "is going to be like, 'The money you were going to buy yourself something nice with, you're going to pay your phone bill.'"

She's set for her biggest payday, regardless of the result in Thursday's semifinal against defending champion Victoria Azarenka, who beat two-time major winner Svetlana Kuznetsova 7-5, 6-1 in the previous match in Rod Laver Arena.

The semifinal losers earn $525,000, double what the quarterfinal losers receive. For Williams, there's a further $1,500 deduction after she was fined for racket abuse.

Stephens had practiced with Williams for the Fed Cup, but had played her only once, a straight sets loss at the Brisbane International earlier this month.

Lone Star college 'gunman' charged in shooting

A suspect has been charged with aggravated assault over a shooting that left three people wounded at a college in the US state of Texas, say police.
Carlton Berry, 22, shot a man during an argument, police said, and apparently shot himself. He and the other person in the dispute were taken to hospital.
A maintenance worker was injured in the cross-fire.
The latest incident of gun violence, it comes amid a major push for gun control by the Obama administration.
The shooting happened outside near a campus library at about 12:30 local time (18:30 GMT) on Tuesday.
Hiding under table
Police spent about 90 minutes scouring the campus and the surrounding woods for the gunman.

Mr Berry arrived soon afterwards a hospital and told medical workers he had accidentally shot himself in the hip.
He remains in hospital under police guard.
Police have said one of the two men involved in the argument was enrolled at the college.
In total, four people were brought to two hospitals, including a woman who suffered a medical emergency. One person was critically wounded.
Witnesses told local broadcaster KHOU they had seen a man pull out a gun during an argument with another man.
"I saw two dudes basically get into an altercation and the dude that shot, he basically got angry and started shooting the other guy," Brittany Mobley said.
Gun in schools
A student who was leaving an emergency-responder class said he had helped two injured people, one who had been shot in the knee and another with a wound to the lower buttocks.

An exterior shot of the Lone Star College campus library (22 January 2013)

The shooting occurred outside between an academic building and the library, an official said

The campus, about 20 miles (32km) north of Houston, has some 19,000 students.
Several school districts in Texas have allowed staff to carry guns on campus. Guns are not allowed on university campuses, but the state legislature may debate a bill to allow it this year.
The US gun debate gained new impetus last month after a school shooting that left 20 children and six teachers dead in Newtown, Connecticut.
Last week, President Barack Obama unveiled the most sweeping gun control proposals in two decades, including calls for a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines as well as wider background checks on gun buyers.

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As well as collecting information for your article, make a note of any URLs that offer free resources dealing with the topic of your article. Include those URLs in your article.

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You can find more information on Mind Mapping at:


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(B) Publishing Your Ezine Articles:

(6) There are two ways of getting your articles published: 'Individual Submissions' and 'General Distribution'.

'General Distribution' will get your article in front of many more readers, per unit of effort expended, than 'Individual Submission', and I suggest you use this method before making Individual Submissions.

There are basically two kinds of 'General Distribution': Announcement Lists and websites.

Here are some Article Announcement Lists:

article_announce-subscribe@egroups.com free-content-subscribe@onelist.com publishinyours-subscribe@onelist.com articles_archives-subscribe@egroups.com

Here are some Websites that provide Free Content to Ezine Publishers:

Info Zone
Ezine Articles
Idea Marketers
Media Peak
Making Profit
Web Source

(7) Once you've used these 'General Distribution' techniques, then submit your article to individual Ezines.

However, before making individual submissions, find out (a) if the Ezine Publisher accepts article submissions, (b) what the Publisher's guidelines are for article submissions.

My free Ezine Directory gives you this information:
'The Free Directory of Ezines'

I have also produced an eBook called 'Get Published! The Directory of Ezines that accept Article Submissions' and you can download it free at:

(8) Format your article to 65 characters per line and make sure it contains no spelling mistakes. With the availability of spell-checkers there's really no excuse for spelling mistakes. If your article does contain spelling mistakes, many Publishers will just discard your article.

(9) Don't submit articles to the same Ezine Publisher more than once a month.

(10) Address the Ezine Publisher personally, and make sure that the message accompanying your article is very courteous - you're asking the Publisher to read your article and give you some of her valuable time and she probably gets dozens of article submissions a week.

Every success to you!

benefits for writing articles and publishing online

Submitting articles to ezines is a practice with a dual impact on your profits: it helps you decrease advertising expenses while increasing sales.

Here are seven benefits for writing articles and publishing online:

Resource box
The resource box is a short paragraph about the author that publishers usually request with article submissions. It's included at the bottom of the published article and is an opportunity to brand yourself, your business, and your website. The minimum it should contain is your name, business name, and web site address. Space permitting, the resource box should also include a tagline, e-mail address and credentials.

Inbound links
Every time your article is published there should be a live link to your website in the resource box. This give you one more inbound link to help the search engine ranking of your site. Be sure to include important keywords in the link text for extra points with the search engines.

Building credibility
Published articles help establish your expertise. You develop a position of authority in your field and recognition with respect to the topics you cover in your writing. It's easier to gain a prospective client's trust when you have the credibility of being a published author. Prospects who trust you are more likely to make a purchase.

Receptive audience
The people who receive the ezines containing your articles have subscribed because they're interested in that particular ezine's topics. Thus, your article and business information are being delivered to people who have voluntarily pre-selected themselves to receive the sort of information about which you write. Compound this benefit by submitting each of your articles to several ezines.

When your article is sent out to a publisher's list, it's an excellent result of your efforts. In addition, many publishers place articles from the current issue on their homepage, and then archive the articles. Visitors often refer to the archives before deciding whether to subscribe, and so the exposure you receive from each article extends beyond the initial publication date.

You have content that you can leverage when you write articles. Whatever you write can be used for multiple purposes. For example, develop an article into a seminar presentation, and expand the material to make an ebook. At the very least, publish the article on your own website. Search engines look favourably on new content.

Viral marketing
Allow ezine publishers to include your articles in their free ebooks, as long as your resource box is included. Since these are being given away, your ad multiplies. Also, submitting articles to publishers that have a free content directory on their site will allow visitors to republish your article intact, again multiplying your exposure.

If you could benefit from any of these seven reasons for writing articles, then the time for action has arrived. Go to any search engine, and type in a phrase like ‘ezine publishers’. You could narrow the search by including the topics you'd write and include the word free.

Once you've found some publishers, and you know there's an audience out there for your subject, write your first article. Be sure to proof-read your finished article; your intention is to establish credibility, and to brand your business. A well-written and polished piece will help you accomplish a favourable result.

Once you've gotten your first article published, go ahead and do it again, continuing to spread the word about you and your business all over the Internet.

This article was written by Loren Beckart. Author and marketing consultant, Loren is Marketing VP at ClickTracs Advertising, a resource for highly targeted, profitable traffic for online businesses.

Way toFast Indexing on google

Most internet marketers choose article marketing to achieve publicity and construct backlinks for their website. Article marketing is the one marketing method that meets and exceeds the necessities however solely the nicely-written content material makes the perfect use of keywords so search engines can index them. The uniqueness and the standard of the content material matters in regard to Google indexing. Creating fascinating and informative content is a unbelievable method to construct a community within your goal audience.

Article Marketing:

Choosing a perfect title is the initial point of article marketing. You need to make it simple for Google to find you and use a title in such a method that everybody is using in his or her search. There is not any reason to put in writing an article on a topic that nobody is trying for.

Create content around the keyword so as you've got the keyword in the title. You wish to have the keyword within the title, within the first three lines of the first paragraph and close to the bottom of the article. Google has algorithms that may have a look at content and calculates key phrase density. If your key phrase density is simply too excessive they are going to penalize your article. Each ones subsequent question would be what number of is simply too many, and what number of will probably be just enough? Use your key phrase(s) solely four to six occasions in your article.

Few well-known article directories are incessantly crawled by Google bot and therefore submitting to those article directories will fetch you good results. In a rare case situation, your article won't be indexed for per week or extra period. This is the place you typically need to interfere to verify your articles get crawled and indexed at super speed.

Few Frequent Tricks for Article indexing:

Social bookmarking sounds poplike such a good idea for article indexing. You can book mark your article link to sites like Digg, Twitter, Reditt, Mixx and different standard bookmarking sites. There are a number of social book marking sites to decide on from. While bookmarking, simply be certain that the outline has your target keyword. Your description content must be interesting and attractive one. These websites are of excessive page rank and get up to date all through the day. And it is quite apparent that Google would visit your book mark and comply with your article link.

"Pinging" is one other course of which may help your article to be indexed rapidly. Ping alerts the search engine about new contents. There are several softwares and online tools have been available for pinging.

Submitting your article's RSS feed to varied RSS directories and search engines like google and yahoo performs a vital part in indexing. Many popular article directories give RSS feeds which you'll be able to submit to RSS directories.

These are the very best options in your articles to be listed by Google. To Discover Whether Your New Submit Listed by Google, only an easy Google search will do the issues for you.

article marketing to gain exposure and construct back link

Most internet marketers prefer article marketing to gain exposure and construct back links for their website. Article marketing is the one marketing methodology that meets and exceeds the necessities but solely the well-written content makes one of the best use of key phrases so serps can index them. Quality and unique content material will certainly be listed by Google quickly. Creating interesting and informative content is a fantastic option to build a neighborhood within your goal audience.

Article Marketing:

Choosing an ideal title is the initial level of article marketing. You want to make it easy for Google to seek out you and use a title in such a manner that everyone is using in his or her search. Article a couple of boring topic will never attract visitors to your article.

Create content across the keyword so as you have the keyword within the title. You need to have the key phrase within the title, in the first three traces of the primary paragraph and near the underside of the article. You need to know how the page you need will measure up in Google and hence it's essential calculate your keyword density as well. If your key phrase density is simply too excessive they are going to penalize your article. Each ones subsequent question would be what number of is simply too many, and how many will probably be simply enough? Use your key phrase(s) only 4 to 6 times in your article.

Few famous article directories are regularly crawled by Google bot and therefore submitting to those article directories will fetch you good results. In a rare case state of affairs, your article won't be indexed for every week or extra period. This is where you typically need to interfere to verify your articles get crawled and listed at super speed.

Few Frequent Steps for Article indexing:

Social bookmarking sounds poplike such a good suggestion for article indexing. You can e book mark your article link to sites like Digg, Twitter, Reditt, Mixx and different widespread bookmarking sites. Honestly talking, there are a whole lot of popular bookmarking websites to pick from the basket. Ideally it's higher to have a small description filled with couple of goal keywords. Your description content must be interesting and enticing one. These websites are of excessive web page rank and get up to date all through the day. And it is quite apparent that Google would visit your book mark and comply with your article link.

"Pinging" is one other course of which may also help your article to be indexed rapidly. Ping alerts the search engine about new contents. There are several softwares and online tools had been available for pinging.

Submitting your article's RSS feed to numerous RSS directories and serps performs an important half in indexing. Many popular article directories give RSS feeds which you'll be able to submit to RSS directories.

These are the methods for getting Google your article links indexed by Google. To Find Whether Your New Submit Listed by Google, only an easy Google search will do the issues for you.

value of an internet site as part of their overall online strategy

I'm sure that many people who run businesses have an understanding of the value of an internet site as part of their overall online strategy, but how many business owners fully grasp the need for SEO, PPC, internet affiliate marketing and other online marketing elements?

Having a web page designed is obviously vital - whether or not you are the representative of a well-known enterprise or the owner of a small company with no other personnel than yourself The truth is that more and more people are looking towards the web to find their service providers and if you don't have a web site you will not have the capacity to share in a slice of the world wide web pie. Obtaining data this way is quick, easy and effortless and folks and company owners alike are employing this to their full advantage.

What a lot of people unfortunately don't realize, is that a website alone is not good enough Having an internet site without any website marketing efforts can be compared to a new retail outlet on the outskirts of town If this shop owner doesn't promote, no one will know that they exist A web site also needs to be "advertised" in order to perform well Naturally advertising might include elements such as business cards, catalogues and flyers, but there is also a certain level of internet promotion that is required. Essentially the most often used marketing tools is SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay per click advertising).

SEO is the procedure whereby you boost your website's rankings on yahoo and google. Let's say for instance you are a family lawyer: If individuals search for a divorce lawyer you want to be on the 1st page of the search engines like google, correct? No person in their right mind will browse to page 10 of the search results when looking for a divorce lawyer No, only the initial couple of results on the first page will be researched in further details. SEO is a time-consuming process and often several months are required before results can be viewed, but it is vital that search engine optimization forms a part of your online marketing strategy.

PPC or pay per click conversely, delivers immediate results. When you want your site to be found for a specific key phrase, you can pay the search engines like google for each time that someone click through to your website. Like the SEO results in the paragraph above, your site details will still appear on the top of page one of the search engines. The only difference now is that it is not regarded as natural results, as you are in fact pushing your website to the top. Every time someone clicks on your website link, you will pay the various search engines for the lead.

Most likely the smartest way to approach website marketing is to combine SEO and PPC. As mentioned previously, SEO takes time to deliver results while PPC results are instant. Therefore, it is a good idea to combine the two campaigns and then gradually cut on your PPC costs once your SEO campaign starts delivering natural or organic results.

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization is not always the easiest thing to get done correctly. It requires time and a great deal of patience which people do not always have. This can lead to people looking for short cuts and results in the use of practices which are frowned upon and even penalised by the search engines like google. Here are some things to look out for if you're intending upon doing a bit of search engine optimization. 

Hyperlink exchanges are not a good suggestion. The concept is that every web site within the network places a link on their website for each other website within the network. This can lead to a lot of hyperlinks for all the web sites in the network, yes. However the links commonly are not good quality links and they will also be reciprocal links. Mutual hyperlinks usually do not count for a lot within the search engine optimization ranking algorithms. There is also the chance that you're going to get hyperlinks from less than desirable sites such as websites with adult only content and gambling sites. Hyperlinks from sites like these are sometimes penalised by the search engines. 

Watch out for schemes which claim to be able to get you thousands of hyperlinks. these will be paid links and may be upon sites that are not relevant to your site. They will additionally count for pretty much absolutely nothing in search engine optimization terms. The hyperlinks to your site need to be relevant and also have relevant anchor-text. Just having a lot of hyperlinks is not enough. The hyperlinks nee d to be of excellent quality and relevant a well as abundant. 

Watch out for schemes that claim to help you get links on high page rank sites. Your hyperlink will most likely be upon some imprecise internal page. This means that the actual page where your actual link is will have a minimal page rank and be nearly as worthless as absolutely no link at all. 

When you're building links for the purposes of search engine optimization the idea is to make sure that the links are on good quality websites as well as good quality pages. Do not just submit nay old content material to a bunch of websites and put hyperlinks to your website at the bottom of the page. This content of the web page needs to be relevant to your site and the site has to have a good reputation. They don't necessarily have to have a good page rank, they must however have a very good reputation. Do not bother with sites that have no page rank or even have been de-indexed a few times in their existence. Rather look for sties which have been around for a long time. This will get you links which will last.

Search engine optimization is filled with potential pitfalls and traps. Do a lot of research on the device or offer before you accept or even purchase it. Do not place your website's status or rankings at risk by engaging in less than honest search engine optimization practices. You will run the risk of getting your site permanently de-indexed. 

Way To earn Money

You can also earn money online on regular basis of you have basic computer knowledge. That's all needed by the online jobs. There are thousands of blogs and websites that tell the ways to earn money online but very few of them answer the questions asked by most of the people. I will try to answer some of the common questions asked by the people who want to earn money online but they don't have proper knowledge about it.

Can I Earn Money Online Without Investment?

The people need the answers of several questions related to earning money online. Many people ask that can we earn money online without investment. You can definitely earn money online without investing a single dollar. There are a few spams that take money people for hiring them and then run away. These are only a few cases and approximately 80% of online jobs do not require any investment. Among the remaining 20% online jobs, only 5% to 7% jobs require heavy investment and the remaining requires a very small investment which is mostly below $50.

How Can I Find the Job to Earn Money Online?

Most of the people don't know how to search job online. The job application method on internet is very different from the conventional methods. There is a large number of websites that keeps on uploading the latest jobs on daily basis. You just have to sign up on these websites and make your profile. After that you can apply on any job of your choice. You can start applying on more than one job as this will increase your chances of getting a job.

What Type Of Jobs Can I Get Online?

People have a perception that all the online jobs are related to computer sciences and information technology. It is not the case. You can get any type and nature of job according to your area of interest. The internet provides jobs on ever subject such as marketing, human resource management, real estate business, health, sports, healthy living, physics, chemistry, biology, accounting, book keeping, data entry, management, administrative work etc. Either you have a background of science or arts; you can easily get a job accordingly. This is the best thing about the online jobs. They are very versatile in nature which has made the online method the effective and efficient one.

Is There Any Age Limit to Do Job Online

In the real world scenario, most of the jobs have specific age limit and the people lesser or more than that limit cannot apply on such jobs. Moreover, the offline jobs usually provide fewer opportunities to the teenagers and senior citizens but the online jobs are totally different. You can earn money online at any age. Even if you are a child of 12 years then still there are many jobs for you as well. In the same way, the retired people above the age of 60 who do not usually get any offline job can do a large number of jobs online. Moreover, there are no issues of gender in working online. Either you are a male or female, if you have the ability to perform the job task effectively then you can easily earn money online.

What Are The Work Timings In The Online Jobs?

There is no fixed working time for the offline jobs and that is the best part of these jobs. You can complete your job tasks at any time. Many people do online jobs as a short term job. They get the intrusions from the employer, fix the timeline for completing the task and then complete the job in their free time. There are very few jobs in which the employers require you to talk with them within the specific time as mentioned by the employer. You can earn money online either by doing a permanent job or through a part time job.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

10 Basic office you should known

1. Computer - Online homebased jobs basically need a good working computer and high-speed internet. Running your business at home also requires you to have one too. Nowadays, the computer is a commodity necessary in almost all aspects of our lives. Use of computer software and tools also relieves a person from doing things manually.

2. Printer - Documents, business graphics and other paperwork are needed to be printed as hard copies. Thus, a printer is important. However, it does not need to take up much space on your desk. There are printers that were designed for home and small office use; such as the Lexmark T520.

3. Paper - A necessity in just about any office, paper is needed whether for printing or the turn out of photocopies. In most instances, you need to come up with a final, hard copy for every proposal, portfolio and presentation you make.

4. Writing tools - Pens, pencils, markers and highlighters are deemed important in taking down notes, writing drafts, blueprint drafting and signing documents. Make sure that they are all available and within reach. A supply of correcting materials such as ink, eraser and correction tape are also handy to fix any writing errors.

5. Fasteners - paper clips, pins, binders, and staples are needed to consolidate and file paper in chronological order. Working on daily basis, you will find how much they are frequently used.

6. Printing supplies - stocking of extra printer supplies such as ink and toner cartridges will come in handy especially when you run out in the middle of printing important documents. Compatible toner cartridges, toner refill kits and other third party consumables are cheaper than their genuine counterparts. The Lexmark T520 for one works well with after market consumables and produces the same page yield without changes in quality.

7. Data Storage devices - Flash cards, USB, CDs, disks and other storage devices are needed for storing back up data and documents. This avoids possible loss of important info.

8. Invoice recorder - Invoice is important in tallying and tracking all the tasks and work you have done especially for project based gigs. This is your basis for collecting payment. Entrepreneurs also find it essential to keep a tab of their supplies, inventory, expenses and purchases.

9. Storage space - Trays, shelves or cabinets keep supplies arranged and in order. Labeling a designated space for an item prevents clutter.

10. Telephone - Whether it is a mobile or the regular landline, either is needed for clients and employers to have a way of contacting you anytime.

Online marketing is not just about having a website

People are so fond of surfing the World Wide Web where they get all the stuff they need. Whatever passion or hobbies they have, they can satisfy it via the internet. For this reason, entrepreneurs, celebrities, even politicians, are creating their own websites to promote their businesses or themselves.

Online marketing is not just about having a website. The site has to be informative and attractive or people will not visit it. There are many things to consider in completing a worthy website.

Web Hosting
Web hosting is the service that puts your website on the web. Without hosting, only you can see your site. It will not be available to all other users of the internet. Various companies provide web hosting. They have free hosting offers and premium ones. Getting free hosting will save money, but not entirely wise. Website quality suffers from free web hosting services as it compromises the important aspects.

First is it only gives site owners limited space, so they are restricted in publishing content on their websites. They do not have freedom to publish whatever they want. Another is the advertisements; the provider has every right to post their own advertisements on your website since the hosting is free. This creates clutter and unwanted content, making the site less attractive. When you choose free web hosting, once the provider shuts down, you lose all your content. You cannot retrieve them, as you do not have sole ownership of everything you posted on the website.

Good, Catchy Name
If you are an entrepreneur wanting to build a website for your business, you name that website right after your business. You do not want people to confuse a certain website for other establishments because you decided to get fancy naming it. The simpler the domain name, the better.The exact name of a business does not have to be the same domain, but owners need to make sure it appeals as an extension of the brand. The domain name has to be creative and catchy. If it does not appeal to people, chances are they will not remember it.

Focus on attracting your target audience first. If you sell clothes for teenagers, the website name should appeal to teens. If you are a politician, your domain should get the voters' attention.

Domain registration is another way to strengthen your website name. Registering your domain in your country classifies your content, being specific means being high up in the search rankings.

Design with Function and Appeal
Site owners must design their website according to its content. It should look good and be user-friendly. The experience of the users on your site will define their loyalty to you. If a website sells women's makeup, the design should be chic and sophisticated. If you run a sports news website, it should be manly, but easy on the eyes for browsing.

Information security is crucial

Information security is crucial, if we shall maintain some order in our computers. We all like to have privacy, not least when we make contact with friends and business partners over e-mail or voice-mail. We also want to keep our documents and files for us, until we want to share them with someone in particular. Thus, information security includes the ethical question of when it is justifiable to access data not belonging to you.

Let us now look at following categories: Confidentiality, integrity, availability and non-repudiation. I will make an experiment by placing everyone of these elements in an ethical environment and see what consequences it may have on the information security per se.

In fact, we all want to have computing reliable and private. You may suggest that all information should be free, but then there would be no need for security or for intellectual property. If an employer wants to read all the e-mail his employee get at work, is this legal? Moreover, is it ethical?

According to Swedish law, there are no rules, which would prohibit the employer from taking part of the information arriving to the company in one way or another. In other words, he or she has the right to monitor all the e-mail coming to the employees and leaving the company by their computers. Nevertheless, being legal does not mean that it is also ethical. You could also argue that such a behaviour would be a breach of confidentiality.

The well known web browser Netscape has with its 4.7 established a smart way to gather information about the user of Netscape Communicator with the new Smart Download. The cookie that Communicator places on the hard disk plays the key part in this reprehensible game. Netscape uses its cookie in a unlawful way. Information about sites you have visited and other things are stored on the hard disk. As you can imagine, this behaviour is not only unlawful, it is also very much unethical.

Integrity is very important to every user of information. We all want the information we use or seek to be genuine. We want to be sure that the information ia exactly how it was when the author wrote it down. We also want the information stored in our computer to remain untouched of unknown hands. We wish that the information we get from the Internet shall be completely reliable. Naturally an alteration or modification of text or information is unlawful if somebody not authorized tampers with your information. It is also ethically condemnable.

Availability means that system services are available when they are needed. You say that an information system has good availability when authorized users can get at system resources when they want to. Accordingly the system has a good availability as continuation of the integrity.

The sender of a message should not be able to deny having sent the communication if he or she did send it. Nor should it be possible for the sender to claim that the contents of the communication received are not the same as what the sender sent. Non-repudiation is essential to electronic commerce when it comes to a trading partner's willingness to rely on a communication.

Born in Turku, Finland, he is now living in Stockholm, Sweden. He has been a criminal defense lawyer for 38 years and he has had a law firm of his own. In the year 2000 he took a Master in Law and IT at the University in Stockholm. Now Carl is retired.The hobbies are Music, Writing, Film and Theater, Tennis and Golf.He is also very fond of genealogy. Carl speaks Swedish, Finnish, German and English.

Generators can have life-saving applications

Generators are a key part of electricity generation in the 21st century but many people still don't understand what they do. In short, generators turn mechanical energy into electrical energy. They're so important because they can provide electricity to households and workplaces when there is no mains connection.

Too many people take our reliable energy supply for granted today, ignoring the benefits that a stand-by generator might bring. But where exactly is a back-up generator most useful?

Public and commercial applications for a generator

Generators can have life-saving applications. For example, if a hospital's mains electricity supply is cut off - whether due to a power grid fault or a natural disaster - the consequences could be catastrophic. Vital medical equipment would have no power source and nurses and doctors would be bereft of basic lighting, making it hard to treat patients effectively. A back-up generator, however, would mean that basic power could be restored to the hospital in the event of an outage, allowing activities to progress as normal. Similarly, generators can throw a lifeline to the emergency services after a natural disaster, giving them light and heat at a time when people need it most.

In an office, having a stand-by generator means vital information won't be lost during a power cut. It also means less downtime, so productivity isn't negatively affected. In some situations, a generator isn't just a stand-by, it's a main power source - on a building site, for example, or at a fairground or fete. Generators are also essential equipment for data centres. Data centres store data for companies remotely and it's important for this data to always be accessible. If a data centre is left without power, companies are left unable to access their information, which could have severe repercussions for business.

Generator uses at home

Generators are also very useful to have at home. These days, most people living in big cities and even rural areas can depend on a reliable mains power supply. However, uncontrollable events occasionally conspire to leave homes without power - for instance, severe weather conditions, faulty infrastructure or vandalism of power cables. In events like these, it's useful to have a generator on hand for emergency power.

There are lots of different types of generators to choose from. However, a diesel generator may be the safest and cheapest to run in the long-term - just remember to keep it in a protected area and outside, so it's sheltered from the elements but the fumes have a chance to escape. Alternatively, if you're planning to use a generator regularly - for instance, to power a caravan or campsite - a portable generator may be more useful.

power plant rental has become popular around the world

A power plant, or power station, is an important facility in the generation of electricity. Virtually all power stations consist of a generator, in which a rotating turbine converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. Most of them are fuelled by fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, while others depend on nuclear power.

In recent years, power plant rental has become popular around the world, in both developed economies like the UK and the US and more unstable regions like Pakistan. But what exactly is power plant rental and what benefits does it bring?

Why do energy companies hire them?

Essentially, rental power plants are set up to temporarily increase power capacity - for instance, after an emergency or during short-term peaks in demand. For instance, a particular area of a country may have a high concentration of power plants. If that region experiences an earthquake, a flood or another natural disaster, these plants may be unable to generate power. In order to pick up the shortfall, the government or energy companies can hire power plants to meet national energy demands until the region re-builds and its permanent power plants function once again.

Rental devices are also used to implement season peak shaving. Peak shaving happens when some of them are used only during hours of busy activity - for instance, after work hours on weekdays or during a World Cup final - so the national grid doesn't buckle under the strain of peak demand. Additionally, hire offers a handy, flexible option when the national grid is undergoing routine maintenance, and can help prevent outages in countries that are dependent on hydro-power but are suffering from drought.

Benefits of hiring a device

One of the main benefits of hiring one of the devices rather than building a new, permanent station is that they can be quickly available when necessary. For instance, natural disasters often have unforeseeable consequences. If a country's power capacity is suddenly lowered because of a natural disaster, rental plants can quickly step in to make up the shortfall. Their short-term nature means that hired tools can be quickly disengaged when they are no longer needed too, which may be more cost-effective for governments and energy firms in the long run as they involve less capital expenditure.

Another advantage of power plant hire is its flexibility. If a rented machine is found to have insufficient capacity, for instance, it can be quickly expanded. Similarly, if it's found to be too big, energy companies can ask to decrease capacity, and thereby save money while still meeting the demand for electricity.

collaborative platform is very useful for web developers and programmers

Modern business operations would be not as efficient or as cost-effective without real-time synchronization and distant collaborations among workers. Duplication of tasks, errors, delays and miscommunications are avoided in this manner. All of these are made possible by digital-based technologies and secured computer connectivity.
Specific solutions
In most cases, the general office software applications and free internet-based collaborative platforms such as Google docs are enough for operational needs. However, there are instances wherein higher level of customization becomes necessary. Various business organizations, even those that belong to the same industries, typically have highly specific needs.
An ideal collaborative platform must have the capability to integrate various computer applications for easy accessibility in networks. There is also a need for cross-hardware communication compatibility. Collaborative work through networks is not only about sharing and downloading information or data. Collaborators must be able to edit the data online and in real time.
This means that any change on the data must immediately be saved and updated. The changes must be immediately visible to other collaborators to avoid duplications and confusions. However, the security must not be compromised. The access to project data must only be accessible to the collaborators. The data could be a simple text content or could be as complex as an animated CAD diagrams.
File organization
Collaborative software platforms would be very confusing if the files and projects cannot be properly organized. Generally speaking, files can be categorized into two groups depending on urgency. These groups are the following: archived files and active files. The active files can be further classified either as priority files or non-urgent files. Various specific folders may also be created to further organize the files.
A collaborative platform must have a file organizational tree and milestone goals. Any editing or modification on the project must be attributable to a particular collaborator. This means that there should be a system to log the names, hours, and changes made by specific collaborators. This will instill accountability and responsibility.
Web building
Internal collaborative platforms should be capable of accommodating the development and publication of web-based tools and content. These could be either accessible via the internet or through intranet. These tools and content are generally accessible either to the public or to all the members of a business organization. The platform must allow for user-friendly interfaces and apps.
This type of collaborative platform is very useful for web developers and programmers. Maintaining a company website is a twenty-four-seven, on-call work. This is especially demanding when it comes to companies that operate mainly online.

pull the trigger on any increased IT spending

Regardless of your feelings regarding triskaidekaphobia, there is plenty to be nervous about in the coming year ending in the dreaded number 13. It's not just the fear of the number itself or the superstition that surround it, rather most SMB decision makers are fearful of the economic unknown we continue to see in the U.S. economy. The general consensus, post-election, is that the current administration is less than friendly towards the needs of the average small and mid-sized business which ironically is considered to be the largest driver of the U.S. economy. Let me be clear, my intention is not to debate the merits or shortcomings of the government's economic policy rather I mention it as one of the factors in trying to predict what new technologies will be major players in the New Year. Even though the economic outlook for growth is less than rosy, the SMB community will still be spending on technology.
To that end, I turn to my go-to expert of all things technology for the SMB; Laurie McCabe of The SMB Group. McCabe provides a yearly set of predictions on what to expect, and while her forecast for 2012 was broad, she was right on the money with the majority of her insights. Not surprisingly, these trends included many of the subjects I've written about including increased cloud adoption, deeper and wider adoption of social media tools and concepts in marketing and sales, collaboration and widely ranging forms of communication, and the rise of mobility for a flexible workforce.
So where will 2013 SMB technology dollars be spent? Most likely, there will be similar movement as seen in 2012. However, we will see a greater shift towards the cloud among the small business segment especially in the new entrepreneur arena of start-ups. This scenario makes sense for "micro" SMBs that are working without dedicated office space or a large employee base. Again in 2013, mobility is expected to be on the rise but the adoption will pale compared to last January's explosion of tablet PCs. However, the recent introduction of the Microsoft Surface powered by Windows 8 could change that theory. Companies that have invested in a Microsoft-centric network infrastructure will be able to leverage the synergies of their server operating systems with Windows 8 creating a seamless experience across laptop, desktop, Surface, and Windows Phone 8.
With increased mobility will come additional requests from employees to BYOD or bring your own device. Employees expect employers to provide connectivity for their own mobile devices to use across personal and professional endpoints. This expectation presents several security and network connectivity challenges that will need to be addressed in 2013 as was the case in 2012. The BYOD movement led to the rise of software and services called Mobile Device Management (MDM). MDM protects the business from insecure access and allows the organization to track and manage corporate data on personal devices.
When thinking about technology spend for 2013, it's important that I point out another factor McCabe discussed; the reticence of the SMB decision maker and/or business owner to pull the trigger on any increased IT spending. With a polarized electorate and an SMB community that has felt left behind by current administration policymaking, a lot of projects that would have been perceived as good for growth and expansion are going to be left undone by economic uncertainty. Even after the November election and the affirmation of another four years with the same administration, the small and mid-sized business ecosystem will collectively pause and wait for any indication of better times ahead.
The confluence of several other factors will also contribute to slow the optimism. Several tax breaks and programs designed to help jump-start SMB creation and expansion have now expired including the IRS Section 179 tax deduction on capital expenditures. For several years, this tax deduction had given small and mid-sized businesses tangible benefits at tax time for purchases of hardware, software, and services. Additionally, many SMB owners and decision makes are fearful of another governmental mandate; the national health care plan called "Obamacare" which may well add another expense to the bottom line. I should also mention the potential for added taxation of base revenues once Congress gets back into full
The expectation for 2013, based on what was seen last year, is that there will be spending but with continued trepidation. If the current Congress can start to compromise more, which may be possible given the begrudging agreement on the "fiscal cliff" negotiations, maybe more confidence can trickle down to the business community. As with anything revolving around the number "13" there are still superstitions that might color our thinking.

WOCs achieve their goal using a combination of techniques- compression

There is an unmistakable industry trend to offer every IT function in the cloud, if at all possible. WAN Optimization (WANO) is no exception. WANO is used to mitigate the effects of a WAN (low bandwidth, latency, and packet loss) to get improved application performance (fast end-user response time) and also to reduce the bandwidth consumption itself. WANO in its most popular form is symmetric in nature - an appliance called a WAN Optimization Controller (WOC) is placed at each end of a WAN connection (at the data center and at the branch).

WOCs achieve their goal using a combination of techniques- compression, de-duplication, caching, TCP optimization, and chattiness reduction at the application level. These techniques are applied across the whole segment of the WAN by the two WOCs. All the benefits of the WANO start right in the access segment or the last mile at both ends of the connection.

The issues with WOCs, particularly among small and medium businesses, are their initial cost, ongoing maintenance, and complexity of managing them in-house. CAPEX is always hard to come by for small/medium businesses. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can alleviate this issue by offering a fully managed WANO service with charges on a monthly basis. The OPEX model offered by the MSPs can be called a "semi-cloud" solution from the customer point of view and appears to offer comparable benefits of fully owning and operating the WOCs without many headaches.

Another twist in this equation is that WOCs may not be as efficient over the public Internet as opposed to a somewhat expensive MPLS network. Small/medium businesses invariably use Internet-based VPNs to construct WANs connecting their widespread locations. So the MSP model may not always work satisfactorily - especially in cases of customers with locations across the globe.

In the last few years Cloud-based WAN Optimization (CWANO) providers have emerged on the horizon (a company called Aryaka is leading the way). CWANO vendors, in their basic service, avoid deploying any appliance at all on the customer premises. The magic starts and ends at their Points-of-Presence (POPs) in the cloud to which the customer locations connect. Sophisticated and carrier-grade WOCs are deployed in the cloud by the cloud provider. They also provide convenient web-based management tools to configure the service and monitor the WANO results achieved.

The OPEX model of pricing offered by CWANO providers is much cheaper than owning and managing the WOCs. Customers don't need to buy expensive MPLS connections as the solution runs over the public Internet. Is it too good to be true?

Yes, a closer examination of the CWANO reveals that the optimization takes place only in the middle segment of the WAN journey - between the POPs. Nothing happens on either side on the last mile. The claim is that the middle segment which can span continents for international connections is often where the Internet performance is at the worst (high latency and high packet losses) and that is where optimization is needed. However, the end links also can significantly affect performance, possibly due to low bandwidth.

The best way to verify if "WANO in the middle" provided by cloud-based providers really helps is to conduct a proof-of-concept and compare with the baseline results. If we can also compare with the case of full WANO with WOCs at either end, then we can make an apples-to-apples comparison.

But the CWANO providers are also smart enough to hedge their bets. As an option (many times at no cost), they can provide some kind of an appliance at both ends and provide full segment WANO. In this case, they are not a true cloud-based provider but more like an inexpensive MSP.

In all fairness, the CWANO providers have enlisted many satisfied customers with global locations. If you are planning to use CWANO, as the saying goes, trust but verify.